Four Questions To Ask Your Lawyer About Worker's Compensation
Posted on: 14 March 2017
If you were injured while on the clock at work, you may assume your boss will make arrangements to compensate you for your injuries because it happened while working for them. Unfortunately, you may find yourself in the opposite situation, with an employer that is reluctant to pay for an injury. This is when you'll need to hire a lawyer to help you receive the compensation you need. When meeting with your lawyer, you'll want to ask them the following questions to ensure your case goes smoothly.
What Evidence Is Needed?
Your lawyer will advise you on what evidence you need to provide to them regarding your worker's compensation case. This could include contact information for any witnesses to the injury, hospital bills, and even pay stubs that help gauge your lost wages.
What Can Be Done If Employer Claims The Injury Is Not Their Fault?
It's common for employers to start assigning blame to others when an injury is involved. Admitting fault would make them responsible for compensating you, so expect them to point fingers at others when it comes to assigning blame. However, you need to ignore who they blame for the incident and focus on the case. Ultimately, a judge will be making the decision on if your employer is responsible, so don't put too much thought into your employer's opinions.
What Is An Acceptable Settlement Amount?
Your employer's insurance provider may offer you a settlement at some point to avoid taking the case to court. If so, it will be difficult to know what is a fair settlement. You need to consider factors that have already been paid for, such as medical bills, but also consider things that have yet to occur. This includes future medical bill and future lost wages. Your lawyer can help you come up with an acceptable settlement amount if one is offered to you.
Who Should A Worker's Compensation Case Be Discussed With?
It is always a good idea to avoid talking about your case with anybody, and avoid giving updates about the case on social media. These posts can be used against you, especially if you make comments that seem like you are recovering well from the injury. It's tempting to share progress about recovery with friends and family, but this could imply that the severity if your injury is better than what it really is.
If you have more questions, be sure to ask a lawyer, like one from Prediletto, Halpin, Scharnikow & Nelson, P.S.