3 Steps That You Can Take To Help Your Attorney Strengthen Your Auto Accident Case
Posted on: 2 October 2017
An auto accident attorney is going to be extremely important when it comes to making sure that you are compensated fairly for your injuries and the damage done to your vehicle after an auto accident, but there are a few things that you can do to help your attorney accomplish this. Listed below are three steps that you can take to help your attorney strengthen your auto accident case.
Always Take As Many Pictures As Possible Immediately After The Accident
One of the most important steps you can take when trying to strengthen your auto accident case is to take as many pictures as possible immediately after the accident. Now, this means that you're going to want to take as many pictures as possible of every vehicle that was involved in the accident as well as the site of the accident. The reason for this is that these pictures can be used to re-create the events that led up to the accident and can also help your attorney determine if the individual who struck you is attempting to inflate the amount of damage done to his or her vehicle in order to dispute your account of the accident or to get more money if he or she chooses to counter-sue.
Make Sure To Collect Contact Information From Any Witnesses
Another important step to take that can help your attorney strengthen your auto accident case is to make sure you collect contact information from any witnesses that are willing to give a statement about the events leading up to the accident. This is exceedingly useful to your attorney because eyewitness accounts that can back up your account of how the accident occurred and who was at fault can make it much easier for your attorney to win the case because it can help eliminate any doubts that the person who struck you was fully responsible for the accident.
Get To A Doctor As Quickly As Possible
Finally, one of the best things that you can do in order to help your attorney strengthen your auto accident case is to get to a doctor as quickly as possible after the accident. The primary reason for this is that if you delay going to the doctor, the insurance company representing the person who caused the accident can use that as an excuse to claim that your injuries were not all that severe so that they can offer less money when it comes time to make a settlement offer. In addition, if the case goes to court, any proof that you delayed going to the doctor can result in the attorney representing the insurance company and the individual that struck having your injury claim thrown out or reduced.
Contact an auto accident attorney as soon as possible if you've been involved in a car accident in order to discuss your options. You will want to always take as many pictures as possible immediately after the accident, make sure to collect contact information from any witnesses, and get to a doctor as quickly as possible in order to make it as easy as possible for your attorney to strengthen your auto accident case and improve your chances of winning.