Can You Sue An Insurance Company For Not Doing Its Job?
The idea of hiring an insurance litigation attorney and pursuing a lawsuit because the company rejected your claim can be appealing. It's important, however, to understand what might justify insurance litigation. An insurance litigation lawyer will likely tell you to consider the following five aspects of a potential case. Disclosures When you acquire a policy, the insurance company has to disclose whatever issues might impact your ability to collect on it.
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Getting Financial Compensation For Your Car Accident Injury
Getting into a car accident is the last thing you think about when you get behind the wheel in the morning, but sometimes your entire world can change in just a moment. If you recently sustained a bad injury in a car accident, your first priority should be to seek medical care. But at some point soon after the accident, you should also consider if you could obtain financial compensation from the person who hurt you.
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Why Having an Association Attorney is Important
Whether you live in a condominium or a town home complex you might find that there is a homeowner's association attached to it. This can be a good thing because they help to regulate what is expected of the homeowners as well as get things done such as repairs, maintenance, and landscaping. While there typically shouldn't be any legal problems sometimes issues can arise and you might need some legal help.
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How to Sue a School for an Injury Your Child Suffered
Folks often think of personal injury lawyers handling cases involving incidents at commercial establishments or people's homes. Schools, however, are also common places for injuries to occur, and yes, personal injury lawyers do pursue claims and suits against them. Let's look at how that process may work in cases involving private and public institutions. Understand Why Families Sue Schools Many of the most common reasons for hiring personal injury lawyers apply to cases against schools.
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Investors Should Always Review Venture Capital Agreements Thoroughly
Venture capital financing for small businesses and startups can be a lucrative, long-term investment opportunity. However, just as with any investment, there are risks involved, especially when it comes to the contract agreement. If the contract agreement is one-sided and it favors the company more than it favors you as the investor — it can spell trouble. It is important to review any venture capital agreement thoroughly before moving forward with the deal.
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How Big A Deal Is Misrepresentation In Real Estate Law?
One of the reasons for hiring a real estate attorney is to take a close look at potential misrepresentations. These can occur while buying or selling a property, and they can come up during appraisals and valuations, too. Both sides in a transaction should be aware of the ramifications of misrepresentations, and here are four reasons why this topic is a big deal. Contracts and Transfers Can Be Nullified or Modified
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Why There Might Be Limits To Your Medical Malpractice Claim
There is no limit to how much a hospital may be able to bill you in response to a medical treatment that you receive. However, in the majority of states, there is a limit to how much you may sue a doctor for medical malpractice. This limit can vary from state to state, and it's important to know this limit when you seek compensation. Economic Vs. Non-Economic Damages When a state has a medical malpractice cap, the courts will not award damages higher than the cap.
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What Is So Different About Gross Negligence?
When initially talking about a case with a personal injury lawyer, it's common for a prospective client to hear the term "negligence" thrown around. If the case involves extremely bad conduct on the part of the defendant, this may even lead to a discussion of gross negligence. What is gross negligence, and why does it matter? Gross vs. Ordinary Negligence The simplest way to define gross negligence involves comparing it to its more common legal cousin, ordinary negligence.
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Top 5 Things To Know If You Are Accused Of A Crime You Did Not Commit
There are times when the police get it wrong and innocent people end up being faced with accusations of crimes they did not commit. If you ever find yourself in this position, there are five things you need to know. Here are the top five things you should know that will help you understand how to handle the situation in the best way when facing wrongful charges. 1. If You Discover a Crime, Report It
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Three Things You Should Know About The Services Of A Probate Attorney
If you have experienced the death of a parent, there is certainly grief and mourning that every son or daughter goes through. But if you have been named the executor of your parent's will, it will be up to you to go through the probate process. Probate attorneys offer a variety of services that can assist you through this process. The following are a few things you should be aware of.
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