Some Misbeliefs About Custody Rights Fathers Should Have Corrected

Posted on: 2 April 2017

Parental rights can be a very sensitive subject. Due to the emotionally charged nature of these matters, it can be easy for individuals to be more likely to give credit to misconceptions and notions. More precisely, fathers are often exposed to some misleading information regarding custody, and it is important to refute these claims. Myth: The Mother Always Gets Physical Custody There are many people that assume the courts will automatically attempt to award custody to the mother.
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Knowing What's Ahead In Your Divorce Case

Posted on: 22 March 2017

If you and your spouse are about to join the ranks of divorced couples, you may not be focused on the process but more on the emotional side of divorce. Don't allow fear of the unknown to add to your stress level; divorce is mostly a step by step process. You should know that even with an uncontested divorce, however, the steps are not really all that quick or easy. To get more information about what you will be facing in the coming months, read on.
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Four Questions To Ask Your Lawyer About Worker's Compensation

Posted on: 14 March 2017

If you were injured while on the clock at work, you may assume your boss will make arrangements to compensate you for your injuries because it happened while working for them. Unfortunately, you may find yourself in the opposite situation, with an employer that is reluctant to pay for an injury. This is when you'll need to hire a lawyer to help you receive the compensation you need. When meeting with your lawyer, you'll want to ask them the following questions to ensure your case goes smoothly.
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What You Should Ask Colleges About Learning Disability Accomodations

Posted on: 10 March 2017

If you have a learning disability and wish to attend college, one thing you need to consider are the accommodations provided by different universities. You should consider visiting different campuses to see what is available to accommodate your particular needs. By law, universities are required to accommodate students with learning disabilities, so stop by the office of disability services and ask the following questions: What Accommodations Are Offered To Students?
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