Workers Compensation & Scope Of Employment: 4 Factors Impacting Injured Teachers
Posted on:
1 April 2016
A teacher's job seems to never end. Whether it's preparing the classroom for the school, staying late to grade papers, or getting through each school day, there is often no set schedule for a teacher. This is why workers compensation cases can get complicated when trying to settle with insurance companies and viewing your personal scope of employment. If you're a teacher that's been injured, a workers compensation attorney can help break down several factors in your case to determine the scope of employment and how it applies to your injury.
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How Can Vesting In A Pension Affect Your Ability To Receive Federal Disability Payments?
Posted on:
2 March 2016
Whether you've been a government or public service employee for decades or worked enough years to vest in a private pension ago, you may be eagerly anticipating the thought of a guaranteed income stream in retirement. Unfortunately, a disabling injury or illness can sideline your retirement plans, and you may worry about being able to stay afloat until you turn 62 and can begin drawing Social Security retirement payments. Read on to learn more about the federal disability benefits that may be available to you, as well as how these benefits can impact your receipt of pension income (and vice versa).
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Can I E-File My Divorce If My Spouse And I Live In Different States?
Posted on:
1 February 2016
If you've separated from your spouse and now live in a different state, you may be ready to take the next step and finalize a divorce. You may want to skip the hassle of court and file online, but are unsure if you still qualify since you no longer live in the same jurisdiction. Here are some considerations about whether or not you qualify for e-filing.
You Must Establish Residency
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How A Real Estate Attorney Can Help You With A Short Sale
Posted on:
11 January 2016
When it comes to making a short sale on a piece of property, one of the best things you can do for yourself is hire the services of a real estate attorney. Throughout the course of this article, you will learn a little bit about the practice of short sales and how exactly hiring the services of a real estate attorney can directly benefit you and help you net a bit of profit you perhaps were not expecting.
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